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Fabry Disease Remembrances and Recognition

This section of the website is dedicated to two special groups of people in the Fabry community.

Field of flowers smybolizing rememberance of people who lost their lives to Fabry diseaseFirst, we would like to take a moment to remember our beloved family and friends who have lost their battle with Fabry disease. Because of the often severe consequences of Fabry disease, we are sad to acknowledge that many families and friends have experienced the loss of someone close to them directly or indirectly because of Fabry disease. See the Fabry Disease Remembrances section of this site to see the photos and read the stories about some of our heroes who are no longer with us.

Go the  Fabry Disease Remembrances   section

Clapping hands symbolizing recognition of people who have made significant contributions to the Fabry disease communitySecond, there are many individuals in the Fabry community that have contributed a great deal of time, energy and resources, as well as a tremendous amount of passion, dedication, self-sacrifice, and perseverance for the good of others. We would like to show our appreciation to these Fabry disease champions by honoring them and their contributions to the Fabry disease community. We thank you all for everything you have done and continue to do!

Go to the Fabry Disease Recognition   section

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